Tuesday, 29 November 2005

Zone Blocking

Posted by Emily Listiane john 07:48, under | No comments

Sometimes we like to make things more complicated than they are. Zone running is a classic example. What is intended as a simple system designed to get combo blocks at the point of attack results in lots of confusion about who to block and where the hole is. To be honest I have gotten scared off by the zone at times, but it is definitely the dominant scheme at this time, and some teams do it better than others. This little blurb is an excellent demystification, particularly since the discussion often veers off into "if there's a 3 and a 1 tech do we "deuce" call on the frontside?" etc. These are valid, but it's good to step back.

There is a common misconception that on zone plays - everybody "zones". Zone plays start out as simple base man on man blocking, and if you are uncovered - you zone with your playside teammate. In a 2 TE Oneback set - it is not unusual for only TWO of the 7 O-Linemen to be zone blocking (say if everybody is covered except for the Center, as example).

When an uncovered man zones - he zones playside. A covered man zones with his backside teammate. Think of it as an inside/out double team.

Makes a lot more sense. Also for an excellent explanation, check out this article from American Footbally Monthly.


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