(1) Scan the coverage. Is it man or zone coverage? Are there two safeties, one safety, or no safeties?In my offense the QB actually makes the # of safeties part of the snap count. We audible rarely and the QB will actually step out when he does it, so we have no need for long-winded "Black 81!" type notes. Our snap count is "Go! 2! 2! Hut! Hut!" or "1! 1!" depending on the # of safeties.
(2) Check the perimeter and the edges of the box. How will I be protected? Will I be protected?
(3) Point to the "hot" defender away from the protection call. You are identifying the defender that must come to create a "hot" throw away from the call side. This is vital if you do not have a built in "hot" receiver to handle a 4th rusher backside.
Also, these questions are imperative not only for the moment but also to help you as a coach. A quarterback who is asking himselves these questions every play not only will make better decisions, but will come to the sideline and help you make better decisions.
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